I don’t understand what makes a human being want to create unspeakable violence towards others! Last night in Las Vegas, hundreds of people innocently went out to enjoy a country music festival. Nearby, in a hotel room on the 32nd floor, a man with an arsenal of weapons, began shooting toward the crowd, through a … Read More
mental illness
The Importance of Mental Health
May is Mental Health Month. So many people deal with various emotional/mental health challenges. It’s vitally important that we improve our understanding of what it’s like to struggle with issues such as Anxiety, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, etc. The prevalence of these disorders is widespread, and almost all of us have either … Read More
My Childhood Revisited
I look at this photo, and it reminds me of some very happy childhood memories. That’s my younger brother, Don, and I perched up on the front of our folks’ car. I’m guessing we were probably 3 and 5, or maybe 4 and 6. We loved going to this farm! It belonged to our great … Read More
Protecting Children from the Constant News Coverage of Tragedies
As almost everyone knows, we recently had a terrible tragedy happen in Isla Vista, a town very near U.C.S.B. and near Santa Barbara. A young man, with a mind tortured by mental illness and rage, went on a rampage of violence last Friday evening. Six innocent people were killed, and many others were injured. The … Read More