Every 24 hours, there’s a point when night turns into day. The darkness fades away and the world turns brighter. Each day, we have before us the visual symbolism which can help us look at our lives anew. We can keep our mind’s eye turned to the darkness around us — or in us, or we can change our focus to see the bright blessings we’ve been given. Sometimes when we look at the sky, it’s dark and full of clouds. We can focus on those clouds with a sense of foreboding, or we can shift our focus to that one ray of sunlight shining through. It’s up to us. Even when we can’t catch a glimpse of the sun, we can focus on knowing that it’s up there above the clouds.

Many of us struggle with our own clouds of unhappiness. It’s important to remember that just as the wind can sometimes blow away the clouds, there are times when we can take steps to change whatever is making us so unhappy. For the other times, we need to create a mental shift. A change in our attitude can create a profound change in our sense of well-being! It isn’t necessarily easy, but it can be done. Change is always a process. If you need help to make changes, pick up the phone and get the help you need. You deserve it. You matter! Your life matters!

Here’s something I found in Wisdom Quotes which sums it up beautifully:

“The basic thing is that everyone wants happiness, no one wants suffering. And happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors. If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy.”

– Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

Do what you need to, to create peace and happiness in your own life. Don’t settle for suffering. If there are areas which appear dark and threatening, make changes where you can. For anything else, remember the power of your focus. A change in your attitude can create a miracle change in your life! Focus on life’s blessings — not its sorrows.

Until next time,



  • Linda,
    It’s so amazing the impact our attitude, the way we think, has on our whole life. And it’s all under our control. But knowing all this doesn’t necessarily make it easy to focus on the positive. Thank goodness every day is a fresh new day to just start over.

    Take care,

  • Hi Renee,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You’re right, changing our attitude to a focus on the positive isn’t easy. That’s why we are blessed that we can always start anew!

    Enjoy each new day,

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