If you’re feeling bad about yourself, learn how to look at who you are today. Stop judging yourself for mistakes you made many years ago, or even for what you did yesterday. You can’t change the past. None of us can.  So many of my clients come in with a poor sense of themselves, based on who they were at an earlier time.  

Life has a way of teaching us important lessons.  We learn.  We grow.  In many ways, we aren’t who we were before.

Now is a good time to begin the process of forgiving yourself!  When you can find the ability to treat yourself with the same kindness and acceptance that you would treat others, your peace of mind and enthusiasm for life will expand tremendously.

Ask yourself how long the self-punishment needs to last.  When is that magic day that you’ll decide you’ve suffered enough for whatever you did?  Is today the day that you can let it go?  Can you look at yourself in the mirror, and begin to see the beauty inside — the essence that was there all along?  There are so many things that can happen along life’s path that make us lose sight of who we really are down deep.

I see my clients’ beauty, even when they can’t.  I hold that image for them until they can see it for themselves.  Look a little closer today.  What do you see deep inside?

Until next time,


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