It’s almost 2020! I hope that wherever you are, you’re ready for a brand new year, filled with possibilities. This was our view a few days ago, out of our youngest son’s front room window. I grew up in the Midwest, and we had snow every Christmas. Now that I’m in southern California, snow is seldom seen — particularly not snow like this.
There were some difficulties involved, but one of my cherished memories of this Christmas will be standing and looking out the window in the middle of the night, watching the fresh snow falling, to create a winter wonderland. My husband, daughter-in-law, and I all stood in awe at the beauty! By morning, we knew we would be snowbound for a couple of days, but that night scene will stay in my mind for a very long time to come.
As the new year comes, remember how important your focus is, and look for the blessings. There are always blessings, no matter how difficult the day might be.
Happy New Year to you all! May it be filled with the blessings of good health, happiness, and peace of mind!
Until next time,