My answer is that you can start over as many times as you need to!  You get a new opportunity every morning.  You’re given the gift of 24 hours — a blank slate for you to create whatever you want/need to create.

Does it really have to be a negative that you’ve tried before, and didn’t achieve what you wanted?  No, it doesn’t.  Each time you’ve tried, you’ve learned something to help you move forward.  Persistence always gives you the edge on achieving your dreams.

If you don’t give up, one of these days is going to be the magic day!  You’re going to do something different to help motivate and sustain you in making that new start, which will lead you to where you want to go.

Keep your mind and heart on the possibilities!  Build a support team to cheer you on when things get hard.  Don’t listen to the negative monkey-mind chatter that can steer you off course.  Create an awareness of new ideas and concepts to help motivate you.  Look and listen to those who have already succeeded.  They can be mentors and models for positive behaviors and mindsets.  Write down each successful step forward that you make, no matter how small.

You’re in charge of your life!  Don’t let the naysayers keep putting roadblocks in your way.  They don’t know you, like you know you.  Whatever you’re willing to keep working diligently on, you can achieve.  Remember that you deserve good health, happiness, and satisfaction, as much as the next person.

Just don’t give up on yourself!  Be tenacious, particularly when you’re struggling.  Put a smile on your face, get up out of bed, and get busy with some positive action each morning.  Is tomorrow the day for you to make a new start?

Until next time,

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