None of us know which day will be our last day.  We also don’t know which day will be the last day for our loved ones.  It’s so important to make every single day a day to celebrate!  I don’t mean that you need to do something spectacular each day.  I mean that it’s important to not take a single day for granted.

Each day is a precious gift we’ve been given!  We need to unwrap it, cherish it with our full awareness, and be grateful for it.  It shouldn’t be wasted, by just going through the motions of living.  Too many people seem to be sleepwalking through their lives.

I met a dear friend for coffee this morning, and we got to talking about life.  Eva is such an amazing person!  I admire the way she greets each day with enthusiasm and passion.  She’s in her mid 80’s and has some health issues, but her very being exudes love and joy.  She’s interested and curious about so many things.  Her mind is open and alert to new ideas and new experiences.  Her life has been far from easy, but it hasn’t caused her to shut down and disconnect from life.

We can all learn from people like Eva!  Even on the days which are a struggle to get through, if we look deeply enough, there are things we can focus on that can fill us with gratitude.

Sadly, there are people who have their lives cut short.  They weren’t given as many days as they expected, or as their loved ones expected.  If we think about how lucky we are to be alive, to have this day to walk through, to have 24 hours to fill as we choose, we might live our lives a little differently.

Please don’t waste your days!  Don’t wish them away, so that you can get to an anticipated, special  happening.  Don’t let yourself sit and focus on being bored.  Don’t numb out on too much television.  Don’t wait until this or that happens to start doing the things you want to do.

Begin today, and every day, with an awareness of the gift you’ve been given!  Fill this day with beautiful moments —  moments that you can look back on with satisfaction and enjoyment.  Look for the blessings and the meaningful experiences of each day.  Watch for the special people that come into your life to share their special wisdom with you, and celebrate them.

Celebrate your life — now!  Celebrate the very gift of this day!

Until next time,



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