Come out of the circle of time
And into the circle of love.
– Rumi
No matter what your personal struggles might be, reaching out to those who care is a sign of strength. It takes courage to let others know that you need their support, that your life is hard right now.
Whatever you’re trying to handle alone, could be made so much easier by connecting with someone who can be there to listen, encourage, and possibly give you a different perspective. If you turn to others, it makes it easier for them to turn to you when they’re struggling.
I was with a group of business women today, and it became crystal clear that many in our group are being impacted by our current economy. Sharing our truths with each other connected us so much more, than if we had put on our public masks and just pretended that everything was going really well. These are very strong, hard-working, talented women, and they will continue to deal with our down economy. At the same time, they will be planning for positive changes in the future. Right now, though, they need to know that they aren’t alone. I’m hoping that every woman present felt the support and caring from our group as a whole, and from each single woman individually.
Think about this quote by Simone Weil:
The love of our neighbors in all its fullness simply means being able to say, “What are you going through?”
Please consider reaching out to each other. Your lives will be so enriched by simply pulling down the thin veil that keeps each of us separate.
Stay well,