This beautiful baby in my arms is one of my granddaughters. She’s no longer a baby, but is growing up to be a wonderful little girl! I have so many hopes and dreams for all four of my grandchildren, but my greatest dream and my biggest hope is that each will grow up to be his or her own true self!
My grandchildren are very lucky! They are being raised by parents who are lovingly supportive, and who believe in allowing their children to develop naturally into their own unique selves. Each of these children has distinct personality characteristics, strengths, and interests. We all do!
I find it so sad when I sit across from clients who tell me how their parents, teachers, or some other significant person in their lives have made them feel that who, and what, they are, isn’t (or wasn’t) good enough. Each of us is unique and special, just the way we are! When we try to change the things that reflect our authentic selves, we lose, and the world loses. We become only a poor caricature of our true selves!
Rediscover your own true essence — if you feel you’ve lost it somewhere along the way. If you need the help and support of a professional, reach out for it. It will be well worth the journey. I promise you that! Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you’re not enough! There is no relationship that is worth surrendering who and what you were meant to be.
If you’ve been able to stay true to your own genuine self, come and celebrate! That’s sometimes a mighty feat! Wherever you are on your journey to realness, just know that you deserve that inner peace and tranquility. Be joyful! Be real! Be yourself! You have gifts to give the world! You were born to be authentically you!
Until next time,