I don’t understand what makes a human being want to create unspeakable violence towards others! Last night in Las Vegas, hundreds of people innocently went out to enjoy a country music festival. Nearby, in a hotel room on the 32nd floor, a man with an arsenal of weapons, began shooting toward the crowd, through a broken window.
Many people, including the gunman, did not survive the evening. Many others were wounded. Everyone there went through tremendous trauma. For every single person in that crowd, there are countless others who have been impacted by this violence. Think of how far the ripples of this extend! Think about how many were terrified until they knew whether their loved ones were among the survivors. Think of all of those who are grieving, because someone they loved is now gone. Think of all the rest of us who knew no one personally, but are still heartbroken because again there was unbelievable, senseless violence!
Why? There is no rational answer. No one deserved what happened last night. We aren’t equipped to make sense of something that is so beyond our ability to grasp. Yes, we need tougher gun laws. Yes, we need a much better system for those who have serious mental illnesses. What else needs to happen?
What can we do? We can’t go back in time, and somehow try to make it never happen — so that no one is harmed. All we can do is go forward. We can try to fix some of the things that are broken. We can become helpers in all sorts of capacities. I love Fred Rogers’ quote about looking for the helpers in the midst of scary times. Some people have helping jobs, but everyone can look around and find ways to help. How can you get involved in your corner of the world?
There are so many people with aching hearts today! Reach out to them with your love and caring. It will help in ways that you may never realize. Having a sense of connection makes a difference. It can’t change what’s happened, but it can ease hearts to know that others care. Will you try reaching out?
Until next time,
Perfect words for today.
Thank you, Amy! I felt like I needed to reach out to those who are hurting, and this is one way to do that.